through His eyes.

By throughHiseyes

Mom guilt has been hitting me pretty hard these days.

I feel guilty when I have to put him down and let him play by myself so I can have a break.
I feel guilty when he gets sick.
I feel guilty when he scratches himself.
I feel guilty when I'm too tired to clean and dishes are piling up and his room is not clean and

I feel guilty
I feel guilty

I feel guilty.


I'm doing my best.
He's healthy. He's thriving. He's growing.

And all moms struggle.
I need to stop comparing myself to Instagram perfect moms and magazine moms and my own mom and her mom and their mom and


They. All. Struggle.

We need to struggle together instead of comparing each other.

Good job, moms.
I'm sure you are doing a fantastic job right now.
Let's do this together.

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