This Photograph Is Proof.

By romanceisdead

Camp: Day 1 of 3

Right. *Winds memory back*

Arrived at school,packed the bus, left school.

Stopped at Leithfield Beach for the first house challenge, SAND CASTLES!
You had to re create your house logo as best as you could with only materials you could find on the beach. We came 4th :) The Green and Yellow houses had the advantage of being able to find colours on the beach but oh wells.

Carried on up the road, I think all up it's about 3.5 hours to Boyle, and I was very glad to arrive as the last 45 minutes are very hard on the tummy :(

When we arrived we had lunch and settled in before being split into our groups for the weekend.

Then we headed out, my group did the low ropes and trust activities, It was okay, and Lasagne for tea, it was good :)

Then we sat down and talked about leadership and found out what type of leaders we were, then we got into groups with other people who were the same type of leaders and discussed our habits, needs and fears.

I was a conciencious leader,
Habits: Tidy, Organised, Perfecting
Needs: Routine, Time, Deadlines
Fears: Failure, Being put on the spot,

I can't remember the rest.

And then it was bed time, I didn't sleep one wink that night. Me and Laura sat outside for a few hours, then she went to bed and I came in eventually and studdied the slats in the bunk above me. And had one of those 3am showers :)

That, was day 1 over.

This shot I believe was Mum's :P

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