This Photograph Is Proof.

By romanceisdead

And In Tonight's Leading Stories... Alise Is Angry


Had Course Confirmation today, turns out Photography clashes with my computing class which is a two year course finishing will a certificate in computing blah blah.

What really annoys me is that of all the classes that could clash, it wasn't the Engligh or The History, it was two of the three subjects I have to do in order to get a folio together for Uni next year.

So, I went and saw Mrs Robertson to see if there was anything she could do, she said "No". Then to Mrs Kinninmoth to ask the same thing and "No" was also her answer. So it was back to my dean and I was forced to leave it with him :(

So, I have mixed feelings about the whole thing. Obviously wait and see what happens, but if it doesn't work, do I stay at school or do I change schools?
If I leave I have to give up my House Captain role and Production, Orchestra and Flute Choir which I had planned this year. I don't want to leave but will I get into Uni if I stay?


Camp tomorrow. So each of my family members has been put in charge of my Blip taking for the three days I am away. Though I will endevor to take one before I leave tomorrow and one when I get back incase they fail me.


I think I saw Barking today, If It was you, I am sorry I think I snobbed you :(

Packing to do.


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