
By bananablip

GDPR made me do it

I'm so tired of GDPR and the piles of reading I have to do for it and the way that none of it actually makes any sense. Youth for Christ Centre Directors tend to be the 'jack of all trades' types, but I am afraid I am very far from being a master at this one. I have resorted to chocolate.

One of my favourite comedians has now got a podcast which is all about food. It's funny and nostalgic and I love it because it's basically an hour of listening to funny people talk (rather obsessively) about food: the joys of food, the memories which food provokes and sometimes the anxiety that food causes. I was listening to one a couple of days ago and rather than eat at somebody's house, which they normally do, they ended up being in Llanelli and in the rough end of Llanelli. So far, so familiar. It turns out that they were in the exact thai restaurant that I was in just a few days before.  I'm a total fangirl and am not ashamed to say that I tweeted her about it. And she replied! 

For fangirl, read 'loser'.

In other news, I cycled to work this morning and it was glorious. However, I got caught in a big line of traffic, stuck behind a bin lorry. I weaved around the traffic which is something that I utterly deplore in other cyclists. Drivers of Shrewsbury, I am sorry. 

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