Peat Bank Inspiration

Another lovely sunny day, but clouded over this evening.  The wind has picked up tonight. 

I didn't get much sleep last night, a person lurking in the garden attacked me and my house.  Luckily I got it all recorded and police have the footage.  Had to be in the police station today too.  I have also been working on the museum desk all day, and a fairly quiet day.  Puttered about the house and garden tonight.  Mam, Elise and friend Julie have all popped for a cuppa tonight, and then off to work in the pub later. 

At lunchtime I headed down the road, and headed to the peat hill to get some inspiration and thoughts about my own peat bank and skills.  This past bank was just stunning!  Every peat the same size, and the dyke built to perfection.  Some day, hopefully :)  Taken at the nort peat hill, Cunningsburgh.  

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