The Princess and the Dog

By Princessnthedog

Shanty Town

Dear O’H dear and Lovely Tea Jenny,

Tonight an amazing thing happened. I didn’t hate yoga. I have acquired a running niggle in my hip but it felt like the class really helped. We did have to do a move where we lay down on our backs and lifted our legs right over until our toes touched the ground behind our heads. Bendy lady suggested (in a questioning manner) that if any of the ladies were on day 1 or 2 of their menstrual cycle, they might want do a slightly different version. Funnily enough, no-one put their hand up for that. Might have been considered oversharing.

At the end, during the relaxation bit, bendy lady gave us some of the history of yoga. I managed to be completely mindful at that point and lost any sense of external noise. She then did some chanting and I almost lost it. After the ‘ummmmmmmmmmmmmms’, she sang ‘shanty, shanty, shanty’ and I was actually shaking with the effort of not laughing out loud.

According to the Urban Dictionary:

Shanties: n. Article of clothing short enough to be mistaken as panties, but worn as shorts.

Probably not the most widely known definition but it made me laugh.


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