Snap Snap!
The little pond is proving to be quite the little ecosystem. I am amazed by all I have seen thus far on my daily walks. This was the gem waiting for me today! I have never seen such a huge snapping turtle before. He/she was massive and stayed 'frozen' while I happily snapped away. As soon as I retreated, it quickly turned and slipped into the water. I wonder how long it takes for the algae to grow to that extent on its shell? I also wonder if it was a female who will be laying eggs as that should be happening soon. I will keep my eye out for a freshly dug mound as I will call it in so that environmentalists will come and put a special cover on it to keep the egg safe.
Other than that, it was a bit of a full moon day at work and then I went out for my sister by choice for a lovely dinner.
Thank you for all the comments on the Palm Warbler...a new one for me! Also for those who can relate to what having a new, reliable set of wheels means : ) Saturday I am off to Toronto with my daughter for that birthday treat!!!! Excited to spend the entire day going to our favourite haunts.
Have a good one!
D x
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