Song Title Three

For Silly Saturday.
Now if you got Thursday’s song title (I’ll give some extra clues at the end) this one should be very easy as it progresses from that theme.
This is a terrible pun on the song title.  The only clue I will give is that this is an oak tree but it’s not old.
Extra clues for Thursday: 
The word is repeated three times in the chorus, and it’s slang for ‘beating someone up’.
You need the name of the breed of monkey/ape.
Madwill was heading in the right direction.
And finally, I thought I was giving the game away when I said “I think this is a good enough clue to point you in the right direction.”

Many thanks to Admirer for hosting Silly Saturday.

Ps – no monkeys were hurt in the making of these Blips – honest . . .

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