Friday: Avalon Hotel

I was at a Dutch Remembrance Day event on Beatty Street this afternoon so took a turn around the block to take some photos. There really is some great architecture round there.

We had a bit of a gathering at our place this evening. Our cat sitter/now friend has just released an album and she and her husband had asked whether they could use our house to have some friends over to celebrate as we have a bigger place. We were happy to - they invited over a really nice crowd and we met some nice new people.

A few of them brought their kids over whom we deposited in the den. They were really behaved and just read most of the evening. One 11-year old, Greta, had her nose buried in my 'Complete Works of Shakespeare' all evening so I gave her book at the end of the night. I figure she'll get more out of it than me - she was delighted.

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