Thursday: Granville Bridge

Poor Barney had to go to the vet this morning as he got into a nasty fight with a black cat that roams the neighbourhood. We've seen it a few times and think it must be a stray. Anyway, it left him pretty severely traumatised and he seemed in a lot of discomfort. K. took him in this morning and he had, as the vet put it, 'dramatic' bruising and quite a few bite marks. The positioning of the bites made the vet think that Barney was running away. He's on pain medication now, and has had some antibiotics, and seems a lot more comfortable.

Rather unexpectedly, I found myself interviewed on radio this afternoon because of something I tweeted yesterday. A lot of the pavements/sidewalks here have date stamps on to show when they were laid. I saw one yesterday, dated 1930, and tweeted it out, saying that I was on a quest to find the oldest, and did anyone know any older ones? Well, I don't know the definition of viral but it's got over 10,000 views and is constantly being retweeted. Added to that, people keep sending me pictures of sidewalks now! A local radio station contacted me to ask if I'd talk about my 'quest' - I had to blag it somewhat as, if truth be told, I've only just started looking. If you're interested, the oldest is 1906 - there are a couple downtown (yes, Uncle Eee, including one near you). Luckily, I did a bit of research before the interview and was able to sound vaguely knowledgeable.

On another note, a couple of times my camera has locked my memory card and made it unusable. Today was a case in point so I had to resort to phone photography which I really don't like. I suspect it happens as I take the memory card in and out of the camera so often.

I was on Granville Island for lunch - hence the photo.

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