Apple blossom .........

 .......... time.

Our Wedding Anniversary today - who would have thought we would manage 30 years without killing each other???

"  ......... for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health ...... "

Well, the times have been better than they have been worse, we are certainly richer (we were as poor as churchmice back then) but the sickness and health thing??  We could have done without all of Himself's health issues however we are still here, together, working with it all and smiling for the most part - for that I am very thankful.

The weather is much the same as that day 30 years ago - gorgeously warm and sunny despite the fact that we married in Germany not in the UK.  I recall it was quite windy though.

For a quick look at a younger, thinner me with my groom please  
take a peek here if you have a moment to spare.

You know you want to - even if it's just to laugh at my hair!!!!  
Soft perms and big hair were very fashionable in the eighties  -  honest!

~ Anni ~

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