The Princess and the Dog

By Princessnthedog

As It Should Be

Dear O'H dear and Lovely Tea Jenny,

Eldest Mini Princess came back from her WW1 trench trip today. I tracked her bus journey home on ‘find my phone’ and took great delight in texting her to tell her that I could see she was at the services and that I was stalking her. Pretty sure all teenagers LOVE that chat.

She had a brilliant time. She talked us through all of her photos and was a bit emotional showing us some of the cemeteries (the German mass graves in particular). I wasn’t sure how she would find the emotional side of it. There had obviously been moments where the enormity of it was quite overwhelming. Which is how it should be. She also said that they were beautiful and serene.

It is good to have her home. It feels like I have just placed that last jigsaw piece.


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