The Princess and the Dog

By Princessnthedog

Close Encounters of the Medical Kind

Dear O'H dear and Lovely Tea Jenny,

Today I went to see Physio Paul about my hip niggle.

Physio Paul is married to a friend of The Explorer so we have met and chatted on several social occasions but I have never seen him professionally.

I get white coat syndrome. I don’t like seeing medical professionals. I hate going to the doctor. Not even a fan of going to the optician.

Unfortunately this manifested itself in my temperature raising and my feet started sweating. A lot. It was bad enough when I was standing and I left damp foot marks on the floor, but then he had to hold onto my feet to check my joints and it was totally stressing me out. Thankfully I realised that I was being crazy and stated to giggle and announced ‘My feet are sweating’. I have no doubt that this completely convinced him of my sanity.

Thankfully PP is a consummate professional and didn’t openly go Euwwww sweaty Betty. That’s mingin’!

Annoyingly, with three and a half weeks to go before the half marathon, I can’t run for at least a week and won’t be able to do another long run before the half. PP did reassure me that the training I have done means that I will still have the fitness to do it.

It did strike me as quite amusing that whilst PP was working to ease off the muscles on my right side, we were having a lovely chat about our dogs as he had his thumbs firmly pressed into my bum cheek!


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