Joe's Blips

By joesblips

Two for the Price of One

Yes folks, you get two photos for the price of one today in order to celebrate the beginning of the installation of the new heating system. At no time during a wickedly cold winter were we anything but snug and warm BUT at a cost. So, out with the old and in with the new, hopefully more efficient and therefore cheaper to run system.
Top pic shows our plumber chewing the fat with "herself" at 9am when he arrived. Below that we see the old monstrous water tank at 4.30pm just after removal from the house. A door frame had to be removed to get it out.
I always called the old system which is a wood burner, "The Titanic" because it looked like it has been at the bottom of the ocean for a hundred years. The new one looks like a modern fridge and is operated by a heat pump.

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