Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

Niagara ...

... the spectacular.

Despite the unbelievably tacky sub-Vegas centre you have to drive through first, it really is a remarkable place. It is so interesting as a natural phenomenon, in scale, in colour, in noise and in history. And it is a work in progress, changing and eroding with every day.

The Girl Racer drove us up there in a hire car which she handled with confidence and aplomb. We talked about a hundred different things; I’m never bored on a drive with her. Lunch was surprisingly good; grain bowls and a noodle dish on a terrace overlooking the falls. Tasty and served with a great view.

We bought some bad taste souvenirs and took the tunnel walk which is a guaranteed way of getting wet. But this does give you some intensely powerful views of the 34 million tons of water a minute that falls down.

Brilliant. Oh and later we saw a one-legged cyclist. Great day.

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