
The man with the package hurries across the forecourt and is alerted by the presence of a man on his phone. The man with the phone sees the man with the package as he talks to another man on the phone. The man with the package is concerned that the man on the phone is telling the other man on the other phone that the package has been delivered. The man on the phone is, in passing, intrigued by the worried look on the face of the man with the package and furrows his brow as he looks at the man with the package. The man with the package sees the now more serious expression on the man on the phone's face and now fears that he is in danger. The man on the phone is told by the other man on the phone that he'll meet him at 2 o'clock for their weekly tennis game. The man on the phone smiles. The man with the package realises the man on the phone is not a threat after all and tells himself not to be so paranoid, especially as his package only contains a cushion from his Aunt Lily.

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