Always inconstant...

By bikeyPete


A few days rest before the silly season starts.....time to let the schedules and the pressure go for a while.

Sitting in a heavy daze in the kitchen, I had already cleaned and sorted the garage and been to the recycling centre, when there was the most amazing noise outside!

The garden had been inundated by birds of all sorts, sparrows, finches, blackbirds and doves. The flew from one side of the garden to the other, bobbing and fluttering and generally being chaotic. The bird feeder died in the winds the other night and all the food was all over the floor, where they going mad for that?.........No!

It was the bird bath!

I have never seen such particular creatures....wings and tails in all directions throwing water around the garden. Tweeting and chirping in such excited form that it made me laugh out loud. It was then that this fella saw me, he looked so startled! But then again I guess I would if a stranger was in my shower room with me!

Anyway....more jobs to do and some cool stuff later on....sweet!

Big smiles to you all!

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