Earplugs needed

Here is the new arrival migtarory bird of our garden. Pied Flycatcher. The loud fellow is very welcome after few years break! 

I saw this little chap first time in monday, but was not sure if he was about to stay, or if he only was checking birdhouses available. Yesterday he flew silently here and there like a ghost between the front- and backyard birdhouses. Now I guess that he has made his choice and stays here... 

I think you almost can see the singing? 

I do not know yet which nest box he chose. I hope that it is the front yard, as there was already a Blue tit nesting in birdhouse of the backyard apple tree. Flycatcher is a strong minded and throws the tit easily out from the house...

So he has a territory now - loud singing at 3.30am - 4.30am sitting on the branch of out front yard maple, giving a warm wake up for raising sun and all the flycatcher ladies ;)

I am light sleeper and suddenlty in the morning I remembered how badly I always slept during earlier springs. 

To my happiness our Robin seems to have found a lady, and has stayed in out backyard area too - so we have two of my favourite birds staying by our yards this summer!

And to my happinesas my son game home for a long weekend! Lovely to have him home, he is so nice dude, funny and bright. Energetic too. Reminds of me in the last one...


ps My bronchitis has fainted a lot during this day. Feerling quite brisk already, but trying to take it easy. Quite easy as my back is sore after hard goughing. Antibiotics will be eaten until next monday. 

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