Proud Weegie

By Shiv

All Hallows.

3.00 am : No 3 - "Is it morning time? Can I get up?"
Me - "Go back to sleep - it's the middle of the night"
3.20 am : No 3 - " I've been asleep - can I get up now"
Me - " go back to sleep"
3.40 am : No 3 - " Is it morning time yet? I've put my school uniform on"
Me - " No, go back to bed. You can read a book in bed"
4.00 am No 3 - " I've finished my book"
Mr S - puts her back to bed with a wee light on and 3 books.

I found her at 7.20 am - in bed asleep, fully clothed in her school uniform (including clean underwear out of the drawer) surrounded by books and still with her glasses on!

All Hallows today (hence "Hallow e'en" yesterday)..a glorious day. I parked near Inverleith Park today and grabbed this quick blip. Don't think I did these majestic gates justice. Fabulous park, across from the Botanic Gardens and one of of my favourite places.

Thank goodness the weekend has started (hic)!

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