The story so far...


It's all about me!

Today mummy and cam had a relatively relaxing day. We popped over to the garden centre to have coffee and cake with our postnatal group. Cam was more interested trying to grab and stretch everything in sight and banging his hands on the table in frustration when everything got moved out of reach.
As the weather turned chilly we went home for lunch and an afternoon of playing, looking at touchy feely books and trying to practice rolling (he is still a vegetable). As he sleeps for a long time a night (13 hours straight most nights) he is so active during the day and rarely nods off for a proper nap. It is lovely that he is so active and fun but days like these, when mummy has to be a constant source of fun, are much more tiring then those when we are out and about. Luckily daddy is always on hand to play the airplane game!

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