The story so far...


Tut tut

Cam has been in a cheeky mood today. We went to the cinema with Dominic and his mummy and daddy this morning and cam thought the film needed extra sound effects of continuos raspberry blowing. Luckily everyone saw the funny side and he relished the attention.
After a massive lunch of parsnip, apple and a full bottle cam got back to one of his favourite pastimes: licking. Everything is worthy of tasting at the moment apparently and mummy's iPhone, the play mat and poor elli are especially tasty.
When he is not busy licking things, cam decided to push his luck and do the one thing he is not allowed to do: suck his thumb. As mummy is a self confessed, 27 year old thumb sucker she is keen for cam not to follow suit. However our little man has other ideas. I fear we are fighting a loosing battle with this one :-(

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