3years 10days
3 years 10 days and I'm posting a photo of Katie asleep - in a COT! Allbeit a funky lime green cot.
The lime green cot is the culmination of a very exciting day. We travelled to london today. We made a visit to the Genius Bar at the Apple store who revived my iphone (I could have kissed them). We saw some of the Covent Garden craziness. We went to the wrong station. But eventually, we made it to Lyra and Ellie's house! A brief handover later, and Katie was happily playing with the girls and their nanny, Mummy was off into London to explain to their mum why it was I was at the same bar as her on the night of her 30th birthday (heehee, Daddy of the girls had instigated it all, and was well aware, I might add!)
A wonderful night for both of us. All of us. And it ended at one point with Katie deciding that our bed was not where she wanted to sleep. That in fact, she wanted to sleep in the now giant toy box of a cot that was in our room. And she refused to let me remove the toys first.
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