
By CoffeePotter

Axmouth Quay (pun alert!)

We drove down to the harbour at Axmouth late afternoon, and walked right along there. This fishing boat was just on his way out, and was going against the flooding tide. It did look a bit like a fairground ride.
When we returned home, the door keys could not be found anywhere. Luckily we do keep an "emergency set" which we then used to get into the house. After an hour's search, the only thing that we could think of was that they had been on C's lap (as he had locked up) and when he got out of the car, when we parked at Axmouth, they had fallen onto the ground. He therefore drove back to Axmouth (it's about 20 minutes each way) and  walked along to where we had parked - and there they were! 
A man spoke to C, and said he had spotted the keys on the ground and reasoned that if it was a local, that the owners may soon be back, so he had stayed to watch over the keys. He decided that if he had walked off with them to go to a police station, and the owners turned up, they would not have known where to go next. 
No-one could have used them to access our house, as there was no address on them, but it would have been a nuisance to have had to get them all re-cut.

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