Deep in the Balmy South

“What day is it, Piglet?”, asked Pooh.
“Tuesday.” Said Piglet.
“Could have bloody fooled me”, said Pooh.
“Could have sworn it was Windsday.”

Did I say balmy? I meant barmy. Today the gentle breezes are from the north, and at 65mph again. It’s market day in Olonzac, but only the van based merchants ventured out; those who sold from tents and trestle tables sensibly failed to show.

Happily, we did pack for this eventuality, and it’s a grand laugh to try and stay upright as we circle the Lac du Jouarres, whitecaps flying from the waves. It’s been a most surprising break, where the springtime winds apparently haven’t been this strong for years.

This evening there may be country dancing. Shamefully, I’ve blipped early to close out any embarrassing possible blips...

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