
By Madchickenwoman

On The Tamar Trails

I'd arranged to see Vegan Jo today and suggested a walk along the Tamar Trails. We met by the cafe where women were doing an exercise class on the green field. I'd printed a map of the trails and off we went on The Mineral Railway Trail! We were passed by people on horseback and then bikes - but for the rest of the walk we were alone - apart of course from Kess! 
I spotted a few bunches of bluebells then these bushcraft shelters - there were, we discovered, loads! Then I spotted more bluebells past them so forged more  into the woods and onto another path where we discovered bluebell heaven! We'd only just started and I was already in love with this trail! We carried on and came to the river and the trail I'd walked with Nellie of The Woods - The Bedford United Trail. We went on from here onto the Wheal Josh and then the Wheal Maria Trails! It was all tree lined with glimpses of green fields across the valley and the sound of birds and glint of sunlight through the leafy branches. 
We began to get a little confused as to where we were as the occasional signs were not clear as to what part of the trail we were on and the various points of interest , including Wheal Frementor were not found! We did spot the orange sand tips of Wheal Anna Maria looming through the trees! Jo was all for heading back the way we had come, but I hate doing a linear walk and was sure we would come upon proper mining works and clearer signage if we continued! We had been walking uphill, but it was a gentle incline so not tiring. There were lots of poles at one point marking the trail routes for cyclists through the trees either side of us - talk about off track cycling! 
We came across this beautiful expanse of water  with the Iris, reminded me of Monet! Luckily Kess didn't take a drink  as a sign with a skull warned no swimming as it was laden with arsenic! I much preferred this sign!There was one patch of  iris with 2 yellow flowers open - this large group is going to look spectacular - but I'm not sure I want to do the long walk again quite so soon!  I was beginning to think we were walking towards another carpark at the extreme end of the trail - and I was right! But it meant we had indeed walked further than we had thought and turning back would have been a mistake! 
We finally found the mining works - or rather the Arsenic Calciners! Again more skull signs but what a view! I can't say the protective gear   for the workers you can see in the extra looked too effective! I found this link to the process and indeed the chimney used to take the poisonous smoke away still stands. But as the article says, many trees died so I dread to think how the workers fared.
We finally found ourselves back on the Mineral railway route, the thought of the cafe spurred us on. My Fitbit had already registered 10,000 steps before the Calciners! At this point I said I hoped I didn't have a parking ticket as we had gone over the two hours I'd paid for - by two hours!! Turns out Jo hadn't even bought a ticket! As we continued I found the painted stone in the extras - no writing on it so I moved it off the ground and onto a fence for the next walkers! 
Finally the bluebells again and then the carpark - where yes, Jo had a parking fine! £25 not £50 if she paid up quickly! The bizarre thing was that when we went to get a ticket as we wanted to stay and have drink, the machine would not work! Jo finally got a ticket but I gave up!  The horse riders who had passed us at the beginning of the walk were washing down their horses - no drink for them until the horses had been seen to! They had loads of large plastic milk bottles that they were sluicing the horses down with - and at one point the lady grabbed her horses tail and gave it a thorough washing in its nether regions! We had a friendly chat and she said it stopped infection!
Jo and I headed for the cafe and I had a beetroot cake with rose petals on the chocolate icing! I also found a lovely shop where I bought a gorgeous large silver and green tea light holder! Seems the main shop is in Totnes so I shall be visiting it at some point!
As we were about to leave there was the sound of rotary blades and two large helicopters came flying up the valley, following the curve of the river. Good grief this walk had everything! I hadn't intended to do such a long walk, and looking at the map beforehand, did not intend to do the whole circular Wheal Maria walk which was a 2 hour circuit in itself!  - but I'm so pleased I did, not just for all that we saw, but for the fact I did a 4 hour walk without any anxiety or IBS flare up! I had taken snacks which we had consumed along the way!
The whole glorious walk can be seen here if you fancy! 

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