Learning day by day

By EmmaF

Emergency Blip!

Don't you hate it when it has got dark and you realise that you have taken no photos all day! Well not quite, I took one of the sky as Carys has to take photos of blue objects for school in order to make a collage next half term. In hind sight it may have been a better option! This is the G3 pitch that is causing us so much hassle at the moment as the college want to increase the hours of play until 10pm week days and 9-5 weekends. Unfortunately we have no defence from the noise from the pitch and it can reach upwards of 65dB outside our bedroom window and the kids can't have their windows open at bedtime (even in the hotest weather) as they can hear the voices and it spooks them.

Today was mostly spent playing then dropping C off at friends, going to Sainsburys with W, buying him some trousers, being charged for them twice but not realising until I got home! Picking up Carys, going back to Sainsburys to argue the toss and get my money back, then on to the soft play which was absolutely heaving and we had to wait 15mins to get in. But I couldn't go home because they just wouldn't have understood "Mummy says it is too busy!"

Now I am enjoying a glass of white and planning the activities of the weekend.

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