
By LmiriamC


Walking in the park today, I came across some thimbleberry bushes. I can hardly wait to see if they ripen one of these days. They taste so good. Also saw two cedar waxwings - I've been hoping to see them but haven't up until today. They were very fast so no pictures.

At the dog park today, I was walking with Salem as usual and a pack of dogs were chasing each other around, especially two reddish hounds (I think they were coonhounds). The pair of them were playing quite aggressively so I stopped so as not to get run down. Well, one of them came up to me and was barking very aggressively at me and I was worried and eventually scared when the dog's minder couldn't get him to back down. I said  - WTH? What is wrong with this dog and the minder said, "you are standing there all nervous and scared and he senses it." 

I have to say I was SO mad and I told the guy that I shouldn't have to change MY behavior for a dog, especially at a dog park!  I think I had every right to be scared that the dog might bite me. I know that it did sense my fear but that does not make it ok for the dog to bark in my face and jump up. The minder never apologized, I assume he considered the whole thing my fault. ARGH. 

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