
By LmiriamC

The last day, we had about 4 miles to hike to get back to the car. It was misty when we woke up but fortunately nothing was wet. We ate and packed up pretty quickly though, and had to tip-toe around the girls' tents as we made our way back to the main trail.

The main attractions on this section of trail were (1) a large talus cave, (2) a major suspension bridge over the Baker River, and (3) some very old, very big cypress trees. Come to think of it, there were three exciting creek crossings as well. The warm weather is making the snow melt so is delivering tons of water to the lake via many creeks. These three will probably be easy to cross in a few weeks but now, I sure am glad I had my trekking poles to provide some stability while making it across rocks/branches.

I snapped a photo of these mushrooms since I had not seen any like it, and we were lucky enough to see some loons too (extra). 

Had to stop on the way home for a coffee... I am determined to bring real coffee next time (you drop it in the hot water and then use a bandana to strain it into your cup). 

I'm behind on everybody's journals but I hope to catch up eventually.

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