
By momcat1

Apple blossom breakfast

No, it isn't a deformed beak. The bird of the day is a cedar waxwing - or rather several cedars who were in the neighbor's tree. This one was pulling off blossoms and appeared to be eating them .And yes, those are raindrops on the bird .  It is of course, another lovely NYS rainy weekend. Currently it is pouring, when at the time of this photo it was merely raining. Hence , we are once again shooting at  ISO 640. Can I have one sunny weekend so that I can get the shutter speed uphill enough to catch something in flight????My husband looks up why birds eat the blossoms.Apparently apple blossoms are high in vitamin C! Who knew?
The extra is the sharper of the morning's  photos.It was a different bird. possibly it was  just less wet?

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