An ordinary life....

By Damnonii

Full of Good Intentions...

Once again I was full of good intentions to get dinner over with early and settle down with a glass of wine and catch up with blip....and once again here am I just getting today's blip uploaded and chasing my tail again! Arrrgghhh!!

One good thing about today is I managed to get a load of phone calls made to sort out some minor issues in connection with Alan. Nothing major, just niggly things in connection with equipment and stuff. And once again I am so impressed and delighted by the common sense and helpful approach by professionals in this authority.

Also watched a few photography tutorials, which I really enjoyed. I am determined to make some time over the next few weeks to try out some new stuff. Have also started writing my Christmas photography wish list. No perfume or clothes for me. It's polarising filters, ring flash, cable release, new lens all the way! Hope David's reading this! ;-))

Funnily enough I looked out my little Olympus E450 yesterday and was surprised at how much I still love it. I thought using the Canon over the last few months would have spoiled me but it felt lovely to be holding the Olympus again and suspect I will be switching between the two cameras in the future.

Unfortunately the new laptop doesn't have the right size card reader so will need to get a connection cable I must have one but can't find it to let me upload the pics I've taken on it over the last couple of days.

Today's little violet has been blipped many times before and I include it here again as after thinking I had killed it with neglect for about the 5th time it delighted me by producing another little flower head. I gave it a lovely drink and chatted to it for a few minutes and felt the better for it. Way to go little violet :-))

Right, enough of my wittering! Have a great weekend Blip pals :-) xx

04.11.12 - I have broken my laptop! Only bought it in May and it was a tad pricey so I am f*cking raging rather annoyed with myself. Hoping it can be fixed but until it is I won't be able to blip :-(

Will keep up with you as best I can on my phone /iPad. xxx

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