All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch

Quizzes & Chips

Six hours of overtime for me today. Ethan went straight to a friends house from school for a play date, so that enabled me to keep working.

Then over to Mums. Got a call from Avant Homes while I was driving. We’ve been fightbig with them for a year now ever since we discovered the massive drainage issues we have in our garden have been caused by them installing a drainpipe from our neighbours garage directly into our garden - not connected to any pipes, just straight into the ground. For the past year they have bodyswerved and ignored us. Getting our local MP involved hasn’t got us anywhere either. Three weeks ago we demanded to speak direct with the M.D. and after finally getting to speak to him, thought they were finally listening. Call today proves otherwise as yet again they are ignoring the evidence we have given them and still refusing to take any responsibility. I’m raging but not giving up yet.

Once at Mums, she had got tickets for us to go to a quiz night at a church in Atdrossan. Good way to take my mind off things!

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