The Princess and the Dog

By Princessnthedog

We Went To The Animal Fair

Dear O'H dear and Lovely Tea Jenny,

4 hours logging in today. I sent an email to my boss complaining that I was in danger of going postal as I had spent 4 hours looking at blue lines. I did then send him a follow up qualifying that I wasn’t referring to a pregnancy test.

I went out with Smashley in the evening and passed on my new found Plushie* knowledge. It would appear that we are the only two people who didn’t know about this! We were imagining a scenario with one really cheesed off person sitting in the corner of the room in utter disbelief at being the only iguana to pitch up!

I suggested it should be the theme fur** his next company night out!


*Definitely NSFW
**Did you see what I did there?

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