A MIMent In Time

By justmim

Am student. Will sticky.

Mini clear-out of my desk/stuff drawer. I appear to have accumulated quite a pile of sticky-notes.

Yet still they're one of the first things I look at when I go anywhere near stationary in the shops.

Enjoying a day of sorting and tidying post-placement. With needing to hit the ground running on Monday for fourth year I wanted to try and get myself organised before then. Filing systems sorted, timetables and deadlines written down. That sort of thing.

I have things tidied, I have a filing system in mind. I just need to make sure my diary is up to date and then I can put my folder together.

Oddly enjoying it!

Met up with Lorraine for a post-placement cuppa and catch-up early afternoon which was loooovely :) Although having had just toast for breakfast on account of my then milk-less fridge I accompanied the cuppa with a ham & cheese toastie at just before midday.

My poor stomach doesn't know what is going on and so now at 4:29pm I am having to forcefully put of making dinner as long as possible.

Probably won't last much longer, let's be honest!

Busy, doing kind of day...but enjoyable :) Also good to get out in the fresh air lots!

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