Cawdor Burn
I have waited ages for this photograph. These are the woods at the rear of Cawdor Castle, home of Shakespeare's 'Thain of Cawdor' from Macbeth. The woods are stunning in the spring with all the bluebells then again at this time of the year.
If you arrive too early in the day the trees in the distance under the bridge get no light and the underneath of the bridge is pure black. When the sun starts to get into position highlighting the brickwork its about mid day and detail starts to burn out. I also wanted to have a long exposure to give the milky effect to the water but whenever I have tried it before the wind has moved the branches blurring the leaves. Today was another go. Oh, and the picture is level.
I arrived at about 11 am and set up. I used 3 Graduated ND filters, a light and medium for the sky and a dark for the river foreground. At 1.10pm a light white cloud covered the sun taking off the glare and the slight breeze dropped. This was the best of 6.
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