Abu Dhabi Grand Prix F1 Qualifying day
Karen managed to scam a pass today, so we all went. Calum and his team looked after the F1 in Schools display for 3 hours, while K & I sat around, then watched the qualifying. We managed some fast food before walking to the Nickelback Concert. Just got home after 11, and Calum is shattered. School tomorrow. It would have been sooner but we lost the car.
Photos from Left to Right
1. Special car park for all the local Ferraris
2. Yachts in the Marina. If you look closely at the right boat top deck, there are some young ladies cavorting around. All the guys in the stand by us were glued to their binoculars.
3 Top- Looking back from the concert
3 Bottom- The Yas Hotel
4. Some Dancing robot. Calum thought it was cool, I thought Terminator!
Better Large
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