Wound up in Wexford

By Neatwithice

Teaching room

Our departmental meeting and teaching room is a currently redundant ward bay.  There are plans for it to be used clinically, but hopefully by the time it is needed for patient care, an alternative room will have been found for our teaching.  I would reassure you that the feet you can see poking out from behind a curtain belong to a teaching mannekin, not to a real patient!  It is adjacent to the children's ED, and our teaching session today was intermittently punctuated by noisy toddlers. 

As you can see, it is not only used for meetings and teaching, it is also used as a dumping ground for other items - the latest seems to be a broken table.  There is also a large crate of children's toys, and some not yet needed mobile computers.  Non-clinical space for meetings and teaching is difficult to come by in the hospital, and this bay is the best we as a department have had for some time!  

Since moving to the new hospital in 2000, our consultant and secretarial offices and the meeting/teaching room have been moved a number of times, as the patient services increase and encroach on office space.  But at the same time, the number of doctors and nurses is increasing and the need for meeting space for planning and teaching also increases.  We expect a further move, but hope that the next move might be the last.

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