Has my human got osteoarthritis?

As most of you know I have been diagnosed with osteoarthritis and have been given pills to help me. But guess what?.................. My very lovely owner Ann, now thinks that she might have it. Do humans just get it overnight? Last night Ann was lying in bed and her knee was hurting her. This morning it was hurting her so much she could hardly walk up and down the stairs. She said, 'Molly, if you have been in this much pain it's no wonder you have been 'snail like' on your walks recently.'

Sooooooo........................ any Blip doctors out there? Do you think my human has osteoarthritis or do you think she has done something to her knee without realising it?

Anyway, we had to go to the Post Office today (which involves walking up a hill) to pick up a parcel, so I got to have a little play in the park first. And don't I look lovely in the wild garlic? This is wild garlic, right? Ann's knee is fine when we're walking on the flat but it hurts a bit when we're walking up and down hills (hills can't really be avoided in St Ives). However, when we walk up and down steps, it is absolute agony. Especially when going down.

So what do you think Blippers?........................ Has Ann got osteoarthritis? Has she got something else? Perhaps she's just in pain because I am and she's telepathically feeling how I'm feeling?

…...................Maybe she just needs to have a few glasses of wine and see if the pain will go away. It is Friday night after all. Lol!

Have a great Bank Holiday Weekend peeps. Xxx

PS – I'm having a little snooze on the sofa. My pills have turned me into Molly the bionic collie. Two weeks ago I didn't have enough 'bounce' to jump onto the sofa.

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