
By Transitoire

(More) Coffee, Chats, Free Table, Fireworks!

Dragged my unhappy (not-too-hungover) body out of bed for Ellie. Don't know why I'm complaining, it was a 12pm meeting...but saying that, I had only got to bed at 4am that morning! And I was so glad to see her, as I haven't seen her since we went on holiday together in the summer. So we had a lot to catch up on. Ellie is the social secretary of Big Band, as I was the year before, so not only had we got the entirety of summer and start of university/year abroad to chat about but also the running of Big Band and how all the members are getting on! We definitely annoyed the baristas in the coffee shop as we took up the table for a rather long time. Oh well, we bought a coffee! This rather gorgeous looking lady in the picture is of course Ellie! Ellie is going to be in Venice for Term One of next year with her degree so we chatted a lot about the practicalities of living abroad and then becoming very confused when coming back into your own culture. Her brother lives in Japan now, and when he came to visit apparently the culture shock was even worse, as I can only imagine.

The remainder of my daylight hours were spent at Aimee's house with Andy, Kelly, Jeff, Mark and Kassia discussing the night before. Was great to see everyone and talk about the events and escapades of a Gatecrasher evening, which is always interesting! Everyone was pretty shattered and hungover, and gradually everyone went from a sitting to a reclining position until the decision was taken to go home and have a nap. Unfortunately this did not happen for some of us as Andy and I found an antique pine table going for free outside a furniture shop. And of course, their house does not yet have a dining table. So Mark was called back from Aimee's and Jared from the house to assist in the carrying of said table twenty minutes down the road. Mission: achieved. The house now has a table! Now everyone is on the lookout for some dining room chairs...

So although no nap, I could not help being excited as tonight was The Kenilworth Round Table Bonfire and Fireworks night. Basically, a massive bonfire and an even bigger firework display with the backdrop of Kenilworth Castle. Although very muddy, an absolutely amazing night both entertainment and people-wise...a rather large group of us made it onto a bus into Kenilworth and then entertained ourselves with a light painting session until the fireworks started. And, as ever, they were fantastic. This year's theme was 'Twenty-Five Years of Pop'...pretty much fireworks set to pop music. Stupéfiant.

Afterwards a cheeky little drink of mulled cider was due at The Duke, an old haunt in Leamington. Last year Andy lived in a house just opposite from this pub, so many a pleasant evening was spent within its walls. A bit weird to go back to be honest...

Day trip to Oxford with Andy tomorrow, excited!

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