Well, not exactly...
Dora is an indoor cat. We found her on a farm where my husband was doing some electrical work many years ago (14). She had been abandoned by her mother and the farmer's wife had been leaving out saucers of milk for her. She basically pleaded for us to take her as she said she would perish otherwise.
Dora has been an amazing cat and I am so pleased that we 'rescued' her. She sits at the patio doors and meows to go outside but we never let her but my daughter felt that at her age, she deserves to experience the great outdoors a little bit. This is her first adventure and she was walking along the railing of the deck. Although she looks quite ferocious, she is actually walking towards me giving little mews. She was curious but terrified at the same time.
Everyone should have a cat like her ; ))
D x
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