New Room

3years 13days

Katie last night was really excited to hear her new bedroom was well into the process of being sorted. But she fell asleep on the way home and didnt see it. So this morning, she got to see it for the first time and was rather excited. She's got a lot more space in her room now, a big space in the middle to spread everything. She loves it. Her new bed arrives tomorrow. I need to move the wall decorations from her old room and her curtains, and then its nearly finished!

She's had a full but fun day today. We arrived early at ballet to set up for the third round of ballet photos before her ballet class. Her and her friends Isla and Kieta were having a wonderful time together. At one point, during some pairs work, Katie and Isla were split up. Isla's mum and i were laughing as we could see them giving daggers to each others partner. And the second they could, they pulled away from their first partners and ran back to each other, refusing resolutely to split up.

After ballet, Katie played with the senior girls and her friend Marlow while I did some photos. I came down and she was sat having a picnic, having done colouring and playing. We were in the studio for the Grade 1 class, and she danced most of that class. Towards the end, Marlow's mum invited her to go play with them until the seniors had their photos finished. She had a brilliant time apparently, and happily waved to me when they went off.

We got a taxi home, at which point she fell asleep. She was still asleep 90 mins later when Victoria arrived to take us for our evening shift. Katie woke briefly in the car before I dropped her to play with The Cousins. Where apparently she ate a snack, chatted to their new hamster Elsie, before 20 minutes later asking to go to bed.

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