Always inconstant...

By bikeyPete

slowly does it

From inside my nice warm house...I ventured into the cold dark and miserable morning. The rain fell like tears upon the ground, full of woe and sadness. The sky glowered over head, with full intent to beat you down, make you bend and cower.

My desire to get out of the house and into the fresh air, my resolve, faltered as the warm and welcoming lights of the coffee shop beckoned me in.
There, dripping and shivering, I sat with hands wrapped around my deliciously filled mug. I watched as others took shelter from the filthy day, glad that I had gotten a seat first, not very charitable I know, but HEY!

It was too soon back out and trying to get a the pouring rain!!!!

Round the Cathedral and back is just too mucky and windy.....movies and the settee call!!!!!


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