Always inconstant...

By bikeyPete

Half glass full or empty..

Have you ever wondered at how some people live their lives filled with such negative emotions? I spent some time today with a person that has a face like a wet weekend and the disposition to match. Let me tell you it was VERY hard work!

Now, the whole half full/half empty dilemma is one that I do not go along with.... me..I say that it is just half a glass. Why bother having a semantic argument about that kind of thing? If you are thirsty it is still a drink, don't bother thinking about the bit you don't have and enjoy the bit you do! Simple's half a glass but be glad of it!!

People seem to think a lot about the stuff they don't have and very little about the things they DO, upon reflection, be thankful for everything really, makes life wonderful!

The glass in the pic is most definitely empty.......guess who drank it, loved it?!

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