Marjorie's ramblings

By walkingMarj

Hexham Abbey

We had another committee meeting today. This is the one where we firm up the plans for the Autumn Festival and make a timetable so that we have everything ready in time for bookings to start in August.

Today we also had to finalise our draft for our new privacy policy. So far less than 60% of people on our mailing list have replied to say they will want information in the future. They include a lot of regulars, so we are sure they will want to be kept informed, but we can't do it and we will soon have to delete their contact data. Grrr. We never share any information with third parties, so we are a bit frustrated (understatement) by the legislation.

This afternoon I had my hair cut. My goodness it's short.

I called into Hexham Abbey in the gap between that appointment and my singing lesson. Here is the high altar with a picture which is a copy of one by Andrea del Sarto. It shows Mary and the infant Jesus meeting Elizabeth and her son John the Baptist.

I have to remind myself that people may like to see photographs from near to home and not just from exotic holidays!

Back to the draft of the Privacy Policy......

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