Neil isn't home yet after his fancy dress party last night but he has put a photo on Facebook. Was going to blip it but then I remembered a drawing which my brother Colin did for Neil when Neil was little and was obsessed with the Turtles ( as every small boy seemed to be at the time ). Couldn't decide which to blip so in the end you have both. Neil is at the top left of the photo.

Hope the green paint washes off as Neil starts a job tomorrow. Not exactly sure what he's doing but the money will come in useful. Only for 3 weeks and then he will be unemployed again.

I have a hospital appointment at 7.30am tomorrow. Cripes - I will have to get up early. Its for the polyp thing. Have to have general anesthetic and Neil was supposed to be ready for a call to accompany me home... they won't let you go home alone. So him getting a job has scuppered that. I phoned my brother John to ask if he could collect me but he and his wife are driving down to Surrey tomorrow .. sods law eh. No-one else I can call on so I will just have to wait around at the hospital until Neil finishes work and is free to come to the hospital. Am taking 2 books in case its a long wait. Not sure when my procedure will take place as I think they get everyone in early and then it depends where you are on the list - I could be first or I could be last.

Am about to start the ironing which I will tackle whilst listening to the match on the radio. Newcastle are away at Liverpool. Neil is in a pub somewhere watching it on TV.

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