Got up at 5am. Got the bus at 6.15am. Got to The Royal Victoria Infirmary at 7.15am. All these times are far too early for me. And it was freezing cold this morning.

Checked in to Ward 40. Got sorted out - including having to wear these rather fetching white stockings. Found out I was FIRST on the list. Had to take my watch off so I don't have much clue as to when I was taken up to the operating theatre. General anesthetic ... and then oblivion for a bit.

Recovery room ( I'm not good with general anesthetic so I was sick ) then wheeled back to the Ward. Spent a good few hours in a very strange state of being able to hear everything ... and do nothing. Was aware of blood pressure, temp etc being taken but couldn't properly wake up for hours.

I finally felt able to open my eyes, found my watch -- it was 4.30pm. Apparently Neil had phoned at 3pm as he had finished work early - got told I was still " out of it " and to ring back at 7pm.

After I finally woke up the nurses seemed very busy and I felt rather ignored. Didn't quite know what was going on and when/if I was going home. Food arrived - I had ham salad. Still no word of going home so in the end I had to press the buzzer and ask. Was told I could go home after I had been seen by the doctor. More waiting and was finally told by doctor that everything was fine and I could go home.

Phoned Neil at 6.25pm to tell him to come and collect me. Got dressed and waited till he came. Finally left the hospital at around 7pm, got the bus and got home at 8.20pm. Been out of the house for about 14 hours. Kitties seem to have survived being left so long - luckily firework noises don't seem to bother them. They were very pleased to see me. I had empty food bowls to fill.... and full litter trays to empty.

Apart from a sore throat and feeling weary I'm OK. Going to have a nice lazy day at home tomorrow ( Tuesday ). I never want to see the inside of a hospital for a very long time thank you very much.

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