Looking Over My Shoulder

By GirlMick


I'll never make good housewife material. I live alone and have done for some time and am comfortable in my own ways. I am happy to live in my own mess but couldn't stand anyone elses. Today however, the mess was tidied. That makes it sound like I live in a tip when in reality it was just the day to day mess that needed to be tidied up. Anyway, I was in a good mood today and so got on with it without the normal huffs and puffs.

My friend Simon stopped by for coffee and we had a good catchup about Skyfall because when we saw it he had to rush off straight afterwards and so we couldn't disect it. He'd make someone a good househusband as he's always tidy and organised!

This afternoon I took Dude out to the local creek to see if I could get a Blip whilst the sun was fading. I got lots of ok shots and plenty of Blippable ones. However, when I drove home I discovered that some very inconsiderate person had parked across my drive. I'm guessing it's a visitor to the 'neighbours from hell' but as I just couldn't be bothered with a confrontation I consoled myself with taking a picture of the inconsiderate parking and posting it on a very unsavoury website I know which takes the mickey out of idiots like this. Today's Blip is taken from my living room of the drive and the very small space that this idiot person thought I could fit through.

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