All lined up - widwed300518
Not a lot of blip time today - the only opp was this morning when I was in town buying food, picking up prescriptions for me and daughter and posting auntie's birthday card. Added to that, the light was pants dire and I was determined to get something for BobsBlips WidWed challenge, so I had to have possibilities mentally lined up before I went (well it's a good excuse to stay in bed 10 minutes longer ;)).
Yes, the subject being 'Lines', I took shots in the supermarket, in Smiths, and at the bus station, but it was here on the Guildhall steps that I found the shot I liked best.
And in a short while I shall be off to visit OG for a cup of tea and a long chat.
Many thanks to Bob for hosting the challenge and have a happy Wednesday evening, blipmates xx
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