Guess that’s why they call it the blues
I’m back cycling.
4.36 miles there... 4.36 miles back.
Tonight I had the added benefit of an additional 3 miles.
Himself and I agreed to meet at the allotment - him cycling from home... me cycling from work!
I thought.. that’s cool half the distance and then a break and half the distance . But what did I discover ... it was 4.9 miles to the allotment - I went past and then back!!
And then 2.7 miles home.
My legs and my bum are killing me, but in two days I have cycled 20 miles!
Am feeling pretty pleased with myself
Oh the plane. .... this is why I fall off my bike
Part of the bike route runs alongside the runways - this plane was doing circuits and bumps. When something this big flies over your head at close range - you gotta look up
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