My life, my lens

By JennyRampling


A very busy day at work and another night out. I've been out with Catherine, Amy, Bethan and Sabrina this evening and it's been a great night. We started at The Perseverance for after work drinks and then on to Ciao Bella. We choose Ciao Bella as not only is it an amazing family run Italian but was also where we had our first team meal just under a year ago. The food is really good and it was lovely to talk through everyone's plans for the future. After dinner we headed to The Lamb for more drinks. I've been so lucky to have such a fantastic senior team to work with and I know they will all go on to have great careers. This is not the best picture to sum up the evening but I didn't take any good ones during the night so took this on the way to get a cab home. I love Moomins so couldn't resist when I saw it in a bookshop window.

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