Life and me

By CarolineL

Up in the sky ..

Another action packed day.
First thing we went to one of the sites of the Brighton Fringe festival to see a performance of the Ugly Duckling, which was brilliant and had Freddie transfixed. And it was all the more brilliant I thought because some of the actors were Down's people.
We had lunch on site and stayed around for a while enjoying the music and the very chilled atmosphere and even bumping into friends from years back.
Then we went to the Pavilion gardens, Fred's favourite picnic spot to lie on the grass in the shade for a while and for Freddie to do some running around.
Then we went to get our tickets for the British Airways i360, the columnar and very high tower which dominates the Brighton skyline. Into the capsule we went and up up up ...
Amazing views of course, this looking eastwards over the beach and along the coast, and that is Beachy Head in the far distance.
And fabulous weather!

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